NOW: Pensions reach a significant milestone with £750 million under management

Man success standing at mountain peak

NOW: Pensions Assets under management have just burst through the £750 million mark. The next milestone will be the beautifully rounded £1 billion.  It seems only yesterday that we were celebrating reaching £100 million, although that was over three years ago back in June 2015. Pretty good growth in three years.

Assets grow through a combination of net inflow (in simple terms, contributions received minus transfers out and retirements) and investment returns. Net inflow is very healthy as our members build up their funds towards a more comfortable retirement. Investment returns are less predictable, and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that 2018 has been an interesting year for investment markets and shows no sign of becoming dull and predictable any time soon.

The NOW: Pensions Diversified Growth Fund was created to be a fund for all seasons, so unpredictability does not cause us any undue concern.

You can find investment commentary and all you need to know about our investment returns on our new look fund fact sheets which are published quarterly on the website.

From a standing start, we are delighted with the growth in assets. Scale leads to economies, which leads to wider investment opportunities, which should lead to better outcomes for our members.

Rob Booth, former Director of Investment & Product Development, NOW: Pensions